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Here you will find details of some of my recent work and what I have been up to. For more information on pricing or to contact me, do visit my main website.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Bluebells photos in Buckinghamshire

This morning's photo shoot had to be postponed, so I persuaded my daughter to let me take her photo in the bluebells instead.  Not that she isn't willing, it's just that my enthusiasm for taking her photo has outstripped hers over the last few years!  I think they really need another week before the woods are at the best, but here are a couple of shots from today.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Baby photographs in Beaconsfield

This little girl came to me the day before her 1st birthday for some photos.  She was brilliant as we made the most of the sunshine and spring flowers to get some outdoor shots as well as studio.  I was probably quite lucky that she wasn't yet walking so sat beautifully still for most of the time.  Here are a few of my favourites:

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Spring portraits

Spring has arrived at last and this weekend I was spoilt by a great setting for outdoors shots of a friends' children.  It was good to be outside rather than in the studio and with the beautiful evening light and the perfect models, I couldn't go wrong.