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Sunday, 24 January 2010

School Prospectus photos

This week I was back at school for the day, taking photos to update The Beacon School's marketing materials - primarily website and prospectus.  I got to go round every year group from nursery and pre-school right up to the teenagers in Year 8 so there was the whole spectrum of activities going on, including painting and lego in the nursery to Design Technology and ICT in the upper school.  The highlight of the day was an excellent school lunch with the boys in the dining hall - loads of choice and very tasty indeed!

Here are some images from the day, which can also be seen on The Beacon's website (http://www.beaconschool.co.uk/DailyUpdate.aspx


Friday, 22 January 2010


As we all know, we've had a very snowy time for the last few weeks, and while snow and cameras may not be the best of combinations, I did get it out a few times.  The first one is icicles with the sun behind:

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Large family photoshoot

I was recently asked to do a photoshoot for three brothers and their families - to capture them all together in a photo for Grandma.  There were six children aged between two and 7 which made for a lively group but it was a fun session although at times I did feel as though I was herding kittens!  Here they all are: